The Red Chair Project
The Red Chair Project is a campaign that runs each year during the UN’s 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence . It involves reserving an empty chair in a public place, alongside information about domestic abuse and violence against women. The empty chair acts as a powerful symbol of the many women who’ve been killed through gender-based violence – women who should still be with us today.
How can I join in?
It couldn’t be simpler – all you need is a chair and a sign.
You could designate a chair in your church, at a local cafe, or even a public space like a park bench (remember to ask permission first if needed!). Using red fabric to cover the chair is really powerful, but if you can’t get hold of any, printing a sign and making sure the chair is left empty will still have impact. We’ve created a resources pack that contains everything you need to get involved.

The Red Chair Gallery
Please do share pictures of your Red Chair, either by emailing them to us, or better still, sharing them on social media. This way, you’ll connect your individual action with the larger voice of the project. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #redchairproject, and tag us in your posts so we can see them!
See the galleryGo a step further
This might be the first time your church or friends have thought about domestic abuse and violence against women. You could organise a short segment at in a church service during the 16 Days of Activism to talk and pray about domestic abuse. You could even devote a whole service to the issue, with a Red Chair, prayers, information, and a talk on healthy relationships using the preaching notes that are included in the Red Chair Pack, which you can download below.
Download the resources
Download The Red Chair Project pack containing everything you need to join in with the campaign.
The Christian Network to End Domestic Abuse
Find out more about the group that developed the Red Chair Project: CNEDA, an international network of individuals and organisations, working to end domestic abuse.