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One of the key characteristics of domestic abuse is isolation. Abusers strip away relationships with friends, family members and church community, leaving survivors feeling alone. Regaining a sense of community is a vital element of the healing process. Put simply, survivors need a place to belong.

“God sets the lonely in families”

— Psalm 68:6 —

    Diverse women smiling

      Central to our mission at Restored has always been encouraging and challenging the church to provide that space of welcome and belonging for survivors of domestic abuse. Many of the women we support have been let down by churches, but we believe that God has a great plan to use His people to bring healing and hope. We believe that when survivors of domestic abuse are welcomed and included, the whole church benefits.

      That’s why we’re committed to training churches on domestic abuse, and calling God’s people to take their place in supporting those who are most in need of a loving community. Today, you can be a part of that.

      Will you help survivors of domestic abuse find a place to belong?

      In your church

      Take action to create a safer space for survivors in your church. Through domestic abuse training, resources or long term partnership, we’re here to equip you to do so.

      As an individual

      You can ensure more survivors of domestic abuse can find a place to belong by making a financial contribution to our work, or running your own fundraising event.

      "It has been so healing for me to belong. I'm accepted and loved. I'm not looked down on, or treated as less than. I have a safe place where I can continue to get to know the God who sees and loves me."

      — Survivor & Restored Beacon Church member —

      Find a place to belong

      If you’re a survivor of domestic abuse, you can join our online Survivors’ Network to receive support on the journey to recovery.

      The Survivors' Network