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Ending domestic abuse a guide for Mosques and the Muslim community

Our friends at the Cambridge and Peterborough Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Partnership have recently produced this comprehensive document entitled: Ending Domestic Abuse a Guide for Mosques and the Muslim Community. If you are an Imam, a Muslim experiencing domestic abuse, a Muslim survivor of abuse, or you know someone who is, this booklet sets out what domestic abuse looks like and how to respond in a Muslim context.

The booklet has information on:

  • An introduction to abuse
  • Forced marriage and spotting the signs
  • What Imams can do to eradicate abuse
  • Myths about domestic abuse
  • How victims can find support and help
  • How Mosques can respond
  • Useful numbers

We can all be a part of inspiring change regarding domestic abuse and the Mosque has a huge and significant role to play in this. It is essential that Mosques can proactively act on any concerns. Awareness is the first step but responding safely is how we can move forward. Be aware of your limitations: we all have different limitations and we need to familiarise ourselves with this, as failing to work within limitations is more likely to do harm than good. The goal is to provide a safe place for individuals and to signpost them to the necessary professionals and organisations.

— Ending domestic abuse a guide for Mosques and the Muslim community —

We are part of the Faith and VAWG Coalition. The Coalition, which brings together organisations and activists working at the intersections of faith, race, ethnicity and violence against women and girls. The Coalition is led by the Faith and Community Programme at Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse, and aims to bring together activists from a variety of faiths, including Islam. If you are a Muslim experiencing domestic abuse please get in touch with us and we will be able to connect you with someone who can help.
