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Our impact: changing the story for women this year

We’re delighted to be able to share with you our 2020/21 Impact Report. This last year has shown our commitment to:

speak up about the realities of violence against women and girls, to equip the Church to stand against domestic abuse and support survivors.

This last financial year has had its own unique challenges, due to the global pandemic. As we've gone in and out of lockdowns, our Survivors' Network has hugely increased. At times, the scale of the challenge has been daunting but the goodness of God has been evident at every turn.

In the last year we have:

Spoken up:

  • Developed and launched a new website
  • Secured 23 speaking opportunities
  • Achieved 43 media hits
  • Consulted on the Domestic Abuse Bill
  • Spoken at CSW 21

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.

Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.

— Proverbs 31:8-9 —

Supported Survivors:

  • Grew our Survivors Network by 115%
  • Launched our Facebook peer support group
  • Recruited a volunteer team for the Survivors' Network
  • Released our Survivor's Handbook on Kindle
  • Sent 807 Survivor's Handbooks to survivors and refuges

Reading things on the Survivors' Network has been like going outside and feeling the fresh breeze after years of being stuck inside. It has given me strength when I didn't know how to go on. And the courage to continue making a new life for my children and I. Free and safe.

— Survivor —

Equipped the Church:

  • Delivered training to 254 individuals
  • Developed entry level domestic abuse awareness training
  • Adapted Foundation Level domestic abuse response training online
  • Delivered a training series
  • Translated the church pack into Tamil
  • Produced three Covid response toolkits

'Restored brings together experience, wisdom and energy for combatting this serious and often secret form of abuse. This Pack shares this expertise and enables churches to play a full and vital part in the work.'

— The Right Reverend Alistair Redfern, Bishop of Derby —

We are excited to rise to the challenge again this year. 2020/21 has only served to remind us how increasingly important our mission is. We want to thank our supporters for enabling us to achieve all this. Without you it would not be possible.