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Each year, we gather together as the Restored community for our Changing the Story conference: a chance to explore how we as the Church can stand against domestic abuse, and become equipped to take action in our communities. Restored supporters, volunteers, church leaders... it's a joy to get together to catch up and be inspired!

"An outstanding day full of insight and inspiration"

— Changing the Story 2022 Attendee —

Helen Paynter - Manchester CTS22 jpeg
Restored cups
Carolina seminar
Bekah speaking
Manchester volunteers

In 2022, we came to Manchester and Claygate, and were joined by the Rev Helen Paynter, PhD. Helen shared about how the Bible can be weaponised against survivors of domestic abuse, but how it should be used to bring freedom and hope. We also had Dr Lisa Oakley from Chester University share her research into the experience of domestic abuse survivors in church - giving us some really practical advice on how we should (and crucially, shouldn't) handle disclosures.

"The Bible does not belong to abusers. The Bible belongs to the weak and vulnerable..."

— Rev Helen Paynter, PhD —

Emma and Carolina - conference
Tarn speaking
Lisa oakley

Domestic Abuse Training for Churches

Want your church to be more equipped to respond to domestic abuse? Come along to one of our training courses, or book a bespoke session!

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