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A Sweet Farewell

'noun: a wish of well-being at parting...'

Purpose and Place

It's hard to believe that I have been with Restored for 7 years. Restored's vision and staff have been an intricate and beloved part of my life for this incredible season.

Never have I felt such a distinct divine hand guiding my purpose and place as I have had at Restored. The feeling that I am exactly where I should be and doing exactly what I should be doing - a true gift. I have appreciated every year, every month, every moment. I learnt so much, I have grown so much.

I remember starting the Survivors Network in 2015 with only 6 women, not knowing where it would lead. And now almosy 500 women, from many different countries, are being supported and supporting each other! Out of this Network a Facebook support group was birthed, well-being and recovery groups are now being run, and an anthology of the survivors’ poetry was published. A Survivors’ Handbook was written and given to hundreds and hundreds of survivors and hundreds of copies are currently in refuges across the UK. It's even been adapted for use across Australia - I can hardly believe it! And perhaps one of the things I am most proud of is the Survivors' Network Archive which contains the blogs I wrote to the Network, every two weeks for 7 years, on a variety of topics to do with recovery and healing from domestic abuse. Purpose and place - in all things God works for the good...

"I remember starting the Survivors Network in 2015 with only 6 women, not knowing where it would lead. And now almosy 500 women, from many different countries, are being supported and supporting each other!"

Change, transitions, seasons...

But to everything there is a season and it is now time for me to consider my next chapter. I am taking a year out - calling it my sabbatical, doing a bit of self-care while I ponder my next steps. Change and transitions can be scary but can also bring opportunities...who knows what is around the corner.

I leave with a deep sense of happiness and gratitude. I have had the opportunity to engage with so many members of the Network over the years - what a privilege! And I have had the chance to work with so many amazing people at aligned organizations who support survivors and our work. The friendships with staff at Restored will last many many more years to come and I will always be connected to Restored in some way.

A sweet farewell - as I part, I wish and pray for your well-being - especially experiences of peace, healing and hope.