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CNEDA resources

Browse and download resources produced specifically to help you as you work to end domestic abuse and violence against women.

A Biblical View of Relationships to End Domestic Abuse – booklet

One of the first actions of CNEDA has been to update a WEA booklet on A Biblical Response to end Domestic Abuse. It aims to help us all understand what the Bible says about healthy relationships and how to prevent abuse. It aims to equip local church leaders to identify the issues, to affirm loving relationships and to respond with care to cases of abuse. Available in English, French, Russian and Portuguese.

Restored Church Pack – international versions

The Restored Church Pack has been designed to empower churches around the world to engage with the challenges of domestic abuse, to root it out, to support survivors and to teach a better way. The Church Pack first edition is available as a digital download in Spanish, French, Arabic, Polish, Swedish, Tamil and more.

The Red Chair Project pack

Join in with the Red Chair Project campaign by downloading the pack containing posters, information leaflets and example prayers.

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You can give now to support the work we do internationally, enabling us to connect with more organisations and countries, helping bring an end to domestic abuse across the world.

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