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We're passionate about helping churches feel confident that they know what to do when domestic abuse is disclosed.

Our level 2 course will build on the basic knowledge on the subject of domestic abuse and provide insights into the links between faith and domestic abuse, coercion and control and trauma-informed responses.

Course content

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the root causes of domestic abuse and its impact on victims and survivors. It will enable you to more effectively respond to a disclosure of abuse, covering:

  • How the Bible informs our understanding of domestic abuse and how to respond
  • Using the Duluth Model to gain further understanding of the way abuse is perpetrated and its complexities

Join a course

The Level 2 Training runs either as a one-day course on Saturdays, or you can cover the content over three evenings, from 7-9pm. The sessions happen over Zoom so you can join from wherever you are! Our Level 2 course costs £50 per person to attend.

See upcoming dates

"I really valued this course and am so grateful for how you tailored it to our specific needs making it relevant for our setting. I felt the day was engaging, safe, and well communicated."

— Level 2 Training Attendee —